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Investor Presentaiton

Fuels & Infrastructure - Financial highlights 20226 20216 Australian Sales Volumes (BL) 14.05 13.05 Change (%) 7.6% Notes International Sales Volumes (BL) (excluding Z Energy) 7.52 8.99 (16%) 1. Lytton Total Production (BL) 6.10 6.14 (0.7%) F&I Australia1 EBITDA ($m) 176.3 205.2 (14%) F&I International² EBITDA ($m) - Continuing ops 114.7 47.1 143% 2. Future Energy EBITDA ($m) (30.7) (6.9) 345% F&I (Ex-Lytton) EBITDA ($m) - Continuing ops 260.3 245.4 6.0% Lytton LRM ($m)3 981.5 388.3 153% Lytton LRM (US$/bbl)³ 17.9 7.5 138% 3. TRPP and FSSP ($m)4 Lytton opex (ex D&A) and Other costs ($m) Lytton EBITDA ($m) (231.1) 750.4 F&I International EBITDA ($m) - Discontinued ops5 58.5 40.0 (203.9) 224.3 85.5 F&I EBITDA ($m) 1,069.2 555.2 F&I Australia D&A ($m) (92.4) (95.0) F&I International D&A ($m) - Continuing ops (1.2) (3.1) N/A 13% 234% (32%) 92% (2.7%) (62%) Future Energy D&A ($m) (0.4) N/A Lytton D&A ($m) (63.7) (65.6) (3.0%) F&I EBIT ($m) - Continuing operations 853.0 306.0 179% F&I International EBIT ($m) - Discontinued ops5 F&I EBIT ($m) 47.5 900.5 66.9 372.9 (29%) 141% Л AMPOL F&I Australia includes all earnings and costs associated (directly or apportioned) for fuel supply to Ampol's Australian market operations and customers, excluding Lytton Refinery, Future Energy and Ampol Retail operations in Australia F&I International includes all earnings and costs associated (directly or apportioned) for fuel supply outside of Ampol's Australian market operations (and Z Energy which is reported as a separate segment). This includes Ampol third party sales, SeaOil (Philippines) earnings In Q4 2020 Ampol amended the LRM calculation methodology to include Other Margin. See slide 32 for the LRM calculation 4. Temporary Refinery Production Payment (TRPP) of $40 million received in 1H 2021. Ampol was not eligible for any Fuel Security Services Payment (FSSP) in either year 5. Includes earnings from Gull New Zealand which was divested on 27 July 2022. Gain on the sale has been reported as a significant item outside of RCOP earnings 6. Adjusted for rounding. Presentation is on an RCOP basis at the segment level. 2021 RCOP EBIT has been restated to remove externalities FX gains and losses in accordance with the revised RCOP methodology. Refer to slide 27 for reconciliation. 30 30
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