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Investor Presentaiton

Our suppliers are also submitted to a certification process involving due diligence acceptance of our Code of Supplier's Ethical Conduct. They respond to a questionnaire about environmental, social, labor and compliance criteria. The process is applied to the entire supplier base and is valid for 12 months. They are also periodically assessed, and the information is checked annually. After suppliers sign the agreement, we have an agenda of annual visits to monitor them. During the effectiveness of the agreement, if any irregularity or failure to abide by the good practices we have established is detected, the partner/supplier will be notified and will suffer the sanctions provided for in the contract which include, as a last resort, termination. Our due diligence process focuses on issues involving reputation, assessed from negative media reports or other public sources, and the following items are considered: involvement in crimes such as corruption, money laundering, criminal organizations, human rights violations; and whether the supplier is or has been indicated/imposed by a government official, politically exposed person or close relative. The sources researched include blacklists (identifying convictions involving human rights) and labor courts where we have access to important lawsuits of this nature where the supplier appears as defendant. When certifying outsourced partners, the Supplies area also requires presentation of a Labor Law Debt Clearance Certificate (CNDT) and a Certificate of Good Standing with Contributions to the Unemployment Compensation (FGTS) in cases where outsourced employees are in the service of Atvos. In addition, before suppliers are contracted they must declare that they do not use child labor and/or labor analogous to slavery, and they commit to adopting best labor practices. It should be pointed out that during the period no social and environmental risks were identified at our partners. Nor were there any cases of violation of the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining; violation of workers' rights and those of the indigenous peoples, or incidents of child labor or labor analogous to slavery. | 103-2 and 103-3: Freedom of association and collective bargaining | 103-2 and 103-3: Child labor | 103-2 and 103-3: Forced labor or labor analogous to slavery | 103-2 and 103-3: Rights of indigenous and traditional people | 103-2 and 103-3: Assessment of human rights | 12 RESPONSALE CONSUMPTION Due diligence process | 308-1 | 308-2 | 407-1 | 408-1 | 409-1 | 411-1 | 412-1 | 414-1 | 414-2 54
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