Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck slide image

Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck

PROPOSED CHANGES FOCUSED ON ALIGNING WITH MARKET PRACTICE AND ENCOURAGING OVER PERFORMANCE (2/2) Category LTIP LTIP LTIP EUTELSAT Change vs FY 20 ► Performance share plan instead of phantom share plan ► Evolution of relative TSR Benchmark composition from an average of 4 indexes to the median of a panel of comparables ► % obtained in case of overperformance raised to 130% (vs 115%) Rationale Align with market practice ► Reinforce the alignment of interests (comes with an obligation to retain shares¹) Improved cost optimization for the company ► Reflect the changes occured in the last 12 months (Inmarsat, MSCI) ► Align with market practice Simplify ► Align with market practice. ►Strengthen incentive to overperform and improve elasticity 1 Executive Corporate Officers must retain 20% of the performance shares vested until the end of their last mandate as an Executive Corporate Officer; this retention obligation applies up to a value equivalent to 200% of their fixed annual remuneration. 8
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