AMD Investor Day Presentation Deck
MLNTCO-020: This scenario contains many assumptions and estimates and, while based on AMD internal research and best approximations, should be considered an example for information purposes only,
and not used as a basis for decision making over actual testing. The Bare Metal Server Greenhouse Gas Emissions TCO (total cost of ownership) Estimator Tool compares the selected AMD EPYC™ and Intel®
Xeon® CPU based server solutions required to deliver a TOTAL_PERFORMANCE of 10000 units of integer performance based on the published scores for Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC CPU based servers. This
estimation reflects a 3-year time frame. This analysis compares a 2P AMD EPYC EPYC_7763 powered server with a SPECrate 2017_int_base score of 861,
20211121-30148.pdf; compared to a 2P Intel Xeon Platinum_8380 based server with a SPECrate 2017_int_base score of 602, Both
AMD EPYC and Intel based servers use the same cost for the following elements of the analysis: server chassis size of 2RU at a cost of $2500 per chassis; internal storage $380; physical servers managed per
admin: 30; fully burdened cost per admin $110500; server rack size of 42; space allowance per rack of 27 sq feet; monthly cost of data center space $20 per sq foot; cost per kW for power $0.12; power drop per
rack of 8kW; and a PUE (power usage effectiveness) of 1.7. The EPYC powered solution is estimated to take: 12 total 2P EPYC_7763 powered servers at a hardware only acquisition cost of $23748 per server,
which includes $7890 per CPU, total system memory of 1024GB, which is 8GB of memory / core and a total system memory cost of $5088; internal storage cost of $380. The total estimated AMD EPYC
hardware acquisition cost for this solution is $284976. Each server draws ~755.1412kWhr per month. For the 3 years of this EPYC powered solution analysis the: total solution power cost is ~$66548.88 which
includes the PUE factor; the total admin cost is ~$132600, and the total real estate cost is ~$38880, using 2 racks. The total 3 TCO estimate for the AMD solution is $523004.88. The Intel based solution is
estimated to take 17 total 2P Platinum_8380 powered servers at a hardware only acquisition cost of $24206 per server, which includes $8099 per CPU, total system memory of 1024GB, which is 12.8GB of
memory / core and a total system memory cost of $5088; internal storage cost of $380. The total estimated Intel hardware acquisition cost for this solution is $411502. Each server draws ~751.4912kWhr per
month. For the 3 years of this Intel based solution analysis the: total solution power cost is ~$93822.048 which includes the PUE factor; the total admin cost is ~$187851, and the total real estate cost is
~$58320 using 3 racks. The total 3 TCO estimate for the Intel solution is $751495.048. AMD EPYC powered servers have a $228490 lower 3-year TCO. Delivering 10000 estimated score of
SPECrate 2017_int_base performance produces the following estimated results: the AMD EPYC solution requires 29% fewer servers [1-(AMD server count / Intel server count)]; 33% less space [1-(AMD rack
count / Intel rack count)]; 29% less power [1-(AMD power cost / Intel power cost)]; providing a 30% lower 3-year TCO [1-(AMD TCO / Intel TCO)]. delivering ~98 or ~1% Better w/ AMD SPECrate 2017_int_base
solution score AMD EPYC_7763 powered servers save ~227276.4kWh of electricity for the 3 years of this analysis. Leveraging this data, using the Country / Region specific electricity factors from the '2020 Grid
Electricity Emissions Factors v1.4 - September 2020', and the United States Environmental Protection Agency 'Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator', the AMD EPYC powered server saves ~103.01 Metric
Tons of CO2 equivalents. This results in the following estimated savings based on United States data, Emissions Avoided equivalent to one of the following: 22 USA Passenger Cars Not Driven for 1 year; or;
or 7.45 USA Passenger Cars Not Driven Annually; or; or 11640 Gallons of Gasoline Not Used; or; oror Carbon Sequestered equivalent to: 1700 Tree Seedlings Grown for 10 years in USA; or; or 41.2 Acres of
USA Forests Annually. The 2020 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v1.4 - September 2020 data used in this analysis can be found at and the US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator used in this analysis can be found
at AMD processor pricing based on 1KU price as of Sept 2021. Intel® Xeon® Scalable Gen 1 and Gen 2 CPU data and pricing from as of September 2021. Intel Xeon Gen3 Scalable Ice Lake pricing and data from
Processor-SKU-Stack-with-RCP.pdf on 09/01/2021. All pricing is in USD. SPECrate scores as of Jan 14, 2022. SPEC®, SPECrate® and SPEC CPU are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance
Evaluation Corporation. See for more information. AMD EPYC performance numbers based on the identified benchmark reported scores or the user provided score where indicated. Product and
company names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Results generated by: AMD EPYC™ BARE METAL SERVER and GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS TCO
ESTIMATION TOOL; VERSION 4.2View entire presentation