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Investor Presentaiton

NOTES TO THE GROUP CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 5 USE OF JUDGEMENTS AND ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) NOTES TO THE GROUP CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 5 USE OF JUDGEMENTS AND ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) (i) Financial instruments (continued) Inputs, assumptions and techniques used for ECL calculation (continued) Macroeconomic Factors, Forward Looking Information (FLI) and Multiple Scenarios (Covid-19) (continued) Expected Life When measuring ECL, the Group must consider the maximum contractual period over which it is exposed to credit risk. All applicable contractual terms are considered when determining the expected life, including prepayment options and extension and rollover options. For certain revolving credit facilities that do not have a fixed maturity, the expected life is estimated based on the period over which the Group is exposed to credit risk and where the credit losses would not be mitigated by management actions. Governance In addition to the existing risk management framework, the Group has established an internal Committee to provide oversight to the IFRS 9 impairment process. The Committee is comprised of senior representatives from Finance, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Business teams and are responsible for reviewing and approving key inputs and assumptions used in the Group ECL estimates. It also assesses the appropriateness of the overall allowance results to be included in the Group consolidated financial statements. (ii) Fair value of financial instruments Where the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position cannot be derived from quoted prices, they are determined using a variety of valuation techniques that include the use of mathematical models. The input to these models is taken from observable market data where possible, but where this is not possible, a degree of judgement is required in establishing fair values. The judgements include consideration of liquidity and model inputs such as correlation and volatility for longer dated derivatives. Fair values are subject to a control framework designed to ensure that they are either determined or validated, by a function independent of the risk taker. (iii) Impairment of goodwill On an annual basis, the Group determines whether goodwill is impaired. This requires an estimation of the recoverable amount using value in use of the cash generating units to which the goodwill is allocated. Estimating the value in use requires the Group to make an estimate of the expected future cash flows from the cash generating units and also to choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows. (iv) Impairment loss on investment in associates and jointly controlled entities Management reviews its share of investments in associates and jointly controlled entities to assess impairment on a regular basis. In determining the assessment, management compares the recoverable amount with the carrying value of the investment. Estimating recoverable amount using value in use requires the Group to make an estimate of the expected future cash flows from the associates and jointly controlled entities and choosing a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows. 6 (v) Contingent liability arising from litigations Due to the nature of its operations, the Group may be involved in litigations arising in the ordinary course of business. Provision for contingent liabilities arising from litigations is based on the probability of outflow of economic resources and reliability of estimating such outflow. Such matters are subject to many uncertainties and the outcome of individual matters is not predictable with assurance. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to estimates are applied prospectively. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Group has consistently applied the accounting policies as set out in Note 7 to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements, except for the following accounting policies which are applicable from 1 January 2021: IBOR TRANSITION (INTEREST RATE BENCHMARK REFORMS) Effective from 1 January 2021, the Group implemented Phase 2 of the Interest Rate Benchmark Reform -Amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16. The areas impacted by the amendments include application of practical expedient for accounting for modifications to financial instruments that are measured at other than fair value through profit or loss when transactions are updated for the new Risk Free Rate (RFR) rates (will not result in derecognition), relief on changes to hedge designations and hedge documentation (a change to hedge designations and hedge documentation required by IBOR reform would not result in discontinuation of hedge accounting) and providing disclosures that enable users to understand nature and extent of risks arising from interest rate benchmark reform to which the Group is exposed and how it manages those risks. The amendments are applied retrospectively with no restatement required for prior periods. During 2020, the Group implemented Phase 1 of the Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16), which provided relief on hedge accounting requirements for those hedges existing before the IBOR replacement. The Group's exposure to hedging instruments (Interest Rate Swaps and Cross-Currency Swaps) and hedged items maturing from the year 2021 onwards which are in scope of Phase 1 amendments include Fair Value Hedges with notional values of USD 1.35 billion on the receiving leg and USD 4 billion on the paying leg; and Cash Flow Hedges with notional values of USD 0.8 billion on the receiving leg. Under the Phase 1 amendments the Group determined that: . Hedge accounting relationships will continue: for cash flow hedges of IBOR cash flows despite the uncertainty about the timing and amount of the hedged cash flows due to the interest rate benchmark reform; The Group will not discontinue hedge accounting due to the application of practical expedient The Group will retain the cumulative gain or loss in the cash flow hedge reserve for designated IBOR cash flow hedges that are subject to the interest rate benchmark reform even though there is uncertainty arising from the interest rate benchmark reform with respect to the timing and amount of the cash flows of the hedged items. 21 EMIRATES NBD BANK PJSC - GROUP CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 22 22 بنك الإمارات دبي الوطني Emirates NBD
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