Fiscal and Loan Portfolio Analysis slide image

Fiscal and Loan Portfolio Analysis

...and more donor money to continue to flow EU member states, 3.8% US$ 173 mln Norway, 0.9% US$40 mln Switzerland, 0.4% US$19 mln Other, 0.6% US$29 mln Japan, 4.4%. US$200 mln European Community, 14.1% US$638 mln United States, 22.0% US$1,000 mln Financial institutions & organizations, 53.7% US$2,438 mln Asian Development. Bank, 6.6% US$ 300 mln European Investment Bank, 7.3% US$329.6 mln IFC, 7.7% US$350 mln EBRD, 20.4% US$926.84 mln World Bank, 11.7% US$ 530 mln COEB, 0.03% US$ 1.32 mln 500 kv. power transmission line (EBRD, EIB, KfW) East-West highway improvement project (WB, Japan) Adjara bypass road (ADB) Vaziani-Gombori-Telavi road (WB) South Georgia road (MCG) H Secondary and local roads (WB) * Rehabilitation of infrastructure facilities in Batumi (KfW) Regional and municipal infrastructure development projects (ADB, EBRD) Total pledged funds: US$4.5 bn As of YE 2009 over US$1 bn disbursed Source: Ministry of Finance of Georgia Labkon BANK OF GEORGIA March 2010 Page 13
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