Investor Presentaiton
Sec. 306(a), AREA PLANS
(a) Each area agency on aging... Each such plan shall--
(2) provide assurances that an adequate proportion, as required under section 307(a)(2), of the amount
allotted for part B to the planning and service area will be expended for the delivery of each of the follow-
ing categories of services-
(A) services associated with access to services (transportation, health services (including men-
tal and behavioral health services), outreach, information and assistance (which may include
information and assistance to consumers on availability of services under part B and how to
receive benefits under and participate in publicly supported programs for which the consumer
may be eligible) and case management services);
(B) in-home services, including supportive services for families of older individuals who are
victims of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders with neurological and organic brain dys-
function; and
(C) legal assistance; and assurances that the area agency on aging will report annually to
the State agency in detail the amount of funds expended for each such category during the
fiscal year most recently concluded;
(4)(A)(i)(1) provide assurances that the area agency on aging will-
(aa) set specific objectives, consistent with State policy, for providing services to older individu-
als with greatest economic need, older individuals with greatest social need, and older individu-
als at risk for institutional placement;
(bb) include specific objectives for providing services to low-income minority older individuals,
older individuals with limited English proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas;
(II) include proposed methods to achieve the objectives described in items (aa) and (bb) of sub-clause
(ii) provide assurances that the area agency on aging will include in each agreement made with a pro-
vider of any service under this title, a requirement that such provider will-
(I) specify how the provider intends to satisfy the service needs of low-income minority individu-
als, older individuals with limited English proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas
in the area served by the provider;
(II) to the maximum extent feasible, provide services to low-income minority individuals, older
individuals with limited English proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas in ac-
cordance with their need for such services; and
(III) meet specific objectives established by the area agency on aging, for providing services to
low-income minority individuals, older individuals with limited English proficiency, and older indi-
viduals residing in rural areas within the planning and service area; and
(iii) with respect to the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which such plan is prepared --
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