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Investor Presentaiton

104 NATURAL CAPITAL 2021 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT Management of waste for recycling Total volume of water abstracted in all areas and water-stressed areas, by source (ML)* GRI 303-3 2019 2020 2021 Source All areas Water-stressed All Water-stressed areas areas areas All areas Water-stressed areas Surface water (total) Groundwater (total) 0 0 0 0 62.15 62.15 534.12 502.14 575.54 549.98 534.97 508.86 Sea water (total) 0 Produced water (total) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Third-party water (total) 527.78 348.27 527.71 311.63 498.17 303.15 Rainwater (total) 175.80 Total 1,238.70 167.14 1,017.55 173.50 1,274.75 151.40 186.49 1,023.01 1,281.77 177.38 1,051.54 *Indicator comprises all manufacturing units. Source Total water discharged in all areas and water-stressed areas, broken down by the following sources (ML), if applicable GRI 303-4 All areas 2019 Stressed areas All areas 2020 Stressed areas 2021 All areas Stressed areas Surface water 139.46 129.85 216.84 202.41 174.81 158.24 Groundwater 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 267.48 Sea water Water sent to third parties 278.8 412.49 367.09 243.43 214.78 *The amount of water disposed the result from the sum of the volumes of effluents effectively leaving manufacturing units for final disposal. The lower result for 2021 is due to a few factors: equalization of the calculation method, considering only effluent volumes disposed outside the units. Volumes of effluents recycled in-house are not included in the calculation. In 2021, due to the hibernation of the Vegetable Unit in Madureira/RJ, the volume of effluent disposed was reduced. Water consumption (ML) GRI 303-5 All areas 1,228.19 2019 Stressed areas 1,015.70 All areas 1,280.74 2020 Stressed areas 1,041.10 2021 1,199.07 All areas Stressed areas 980.58 *Water consumption refers to the volume actually consumed in production and support activities of the manufacturing units. WASTE GRI 103-2, 103-3 |306 The Company's Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) is in line with applicable laws and considers environmental sustainability. It aims to reduce the generation of solid waste and its disposal in a more sustainable way, fostered by the Zero Landfill Project.I Through the initiative, solid waste, after produced, goes to sorting and, then, to its destinations: co-processing, composting, recycling or re-refining. In defining treatments, M. Dias Branco follows the classification criteria, considering the most appropriate practices in terms of environment and sustainability, in compliance with the applicable laws. Currently, Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE unit operates with 100% of its waste disposed of in a sustainable way. Two other industrial units are close to reaching the mark of 100% waste treatment: Shortening and Special Margarines, in Fortaleza/ CE, and São Caetano do Sul/SP, both with a current recycling rate of 98.2%. We are developing a plan to implement the project in other factories. With regard to waste management, targets and indicators are set considering the SGI Policy and the environmental impacts classified as significant under the methodology for identifying environmental aspects. Goals for reducing waste generation and increasing recycling are proposed on an PAPELÃO RECICLADO PRENSADO annual basis by the company's Board of Directors, based on the assumption of sustaining the good results. Waste recycling index is one of the performance and bonus indicators for the environment team and the Corporate Corporate Environment Management. In 2021, 36,345.57 tons of waste were proced, down 26% as compared to the previous year. GRI 306-2 Production and reuse/recycling of waste 2019 2020 2021 Total waste produced 38,116.00 49,595.60 36,345.57 Total waste forwarded to reuse and recycling operations 34,738.00 40,010.90 32,852.21 % of waste forwarded to reuse and recycling operations 91.1% 80.7% 90.4%
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