Update on Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime and OTC Reporting Regime slide image

Update on Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime and OTC Reporting Regime

Updates/"Mapping" asifma S Updates/"Mapping" Growing Asia's Markets Clarification Assignment of BCAN - originator or account holder? authorised traders and account holders advisory accounts trust accounts Response by the SFC Question F.3 The SFC requires BCAN to be assigned to the account holder, regardless of who "operates" the account. Head Office/Branch HKIDR should only apply to the HK branch Question B.3 For the purposes of the HKIDR and the OTCR, our policy intent is that an overseas branch or an overseas head office of an RRI should be treated as an overseas affiliate, provided that (i) the Hong Kong branch has opened and maintained separate securities trading accounts for its overseas branches/overseas head office and orders are placed through these accounts; and (ii) the CID of these overseas branches/overseas head offices are distinguishable from one another (i.e. the name of the branch should be included in the CID). If these two criteria are met, the "Relevant Client" is the overseas branches/overseas head office but not their clients. L_LIVE_APAC1:8040846v1 11
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