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Investor Presentaiton

ā˜ ā˜ BLUEPRINT NEXT DOOR: SIGMA LITHIUM CORP. Sigma is the world's 4th largest lithium operation and the largest hard rock lithium deposit in the Americas Rapid Scale Expansion Bandeira is located within ~4km - Bandeira covers only 1% its largely unexplored 14,182ha land package Strong potential to repeat and improve on Sigma's fast permitting timeline Maiden Resource to Permit: 18 months - Maiden Resource to Production: 5 years Sigma's current market cap of ~US$1.6B provides compelling valuation goal post EXPEDITIOUS PERMITTING PROCESS IN MINAS GERAIS $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 2018/05 2018/09 2019/01 2019/05 2019/09 Q4 2019: Feasibility Study 2020/01 Q1 2018: Maiden MRE Xuxa: M&I: 12.9Mt @ 1.56% Li20 ~18 months Q2 2019: Resource to Permit Environmental licenses obtained for construction/installation of Li plant 2020/05 2020/09 2021/01 Q2 2021: Q4 2022: Phase 1 Production Plant Complete PEA doubles capacity 2021/05 2021/09 2022/01 2022/05 2022/09 Maiden Resource to Production -5 yrs 2023/01 NASDAQ: SGML April. 4, 2023: ~$14/sh Market Cap: -US$1.6 billion Q2 2023: 1st production 8 || 15
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