Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
The economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic
brought several challenges to the world. For the
agribusiness, however, it also brought growth
opportunities. Although demand for food continues to grow,
what has really changed is the consumer's watchful eye.
Consumer are now focused on good socio-environmental
and governance practices. In this sense, the Brazilian
agribusiness sector, in addition to remarkably resisting the
setbacks caused by the pandemic, has strategically
positioned itself as a net food exporter.
The sector's resilience and possibility of good performance
can be demonstrated by the growth of its share in GDP, not
only in terms of value but also in terms of participation. In
the year 2020, Brazilian agribusiness registered a record
income growth of 24.3%. Increasing its share of Brazil's
GDP to 26.6% against 20.5% in the previous year. For
2021, expectations point to further growth. In the first
quarter of the year, agricultural exports show a growth of
6% (Cepea/Esalq-USP and CNA).
The challenges for Brazilian agribusiness are to
continue growing, preserving profitability,
sustainability and creating new paradigms of trust with
consumers. To do so, the sector relies on technologies
not only related to traditional farming technologies but
ever more also on digital technologies. The digital
transformation of agribusiness has promoted
disruptive changes in the agri-food value chain, which
has the consumer as its focal point. Connectivity,
agricultural 4.0, back office 4.0, predictive digital
solutions, digital platforms, traceability technologies,
innovation HUBs are being diffused in the agribusiness
sector in Brazil. 5G technology, changes in rural credit
and the new regulation of credit payments in Brazil are
potential accelerators of the positive agendas of
agribusiness in the country.
© 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes, a Brazilian entity and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with
KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Brazil. BD210890
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