Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

9.1 BIODIVERSITY [GRI 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3-304 | 304-2 | OG4 | EM-EP-160A.1] UPON IMPLEMENTATION IN OPERATIONS Possible impacts on biodiversity as a result of our activities may occur during the implementation and operation of our generation and Exploration & Production (E&P) assets. To minimize them, we carry out biodiversity studies during the environmental licensing processes of the assets, both for the implementation and operation phases, and the impacts are monitored in accordance with procedures established by experts and approved by the appropriate agencies. The main potential impacts are related to the vegetation suppression, but we prioritize, whenever possible, already anthropized areas in our new projects. If this is not feasible, before construction, as required by Brazilian law, we carry out environmental impact studies and forest inventories to collect data on the habitat and subsequently obtain the requirement for Authorization for Vegetation Suppression (ASV). We also adopt all mitigating measures, such as not using heavy machinery and selective logging of species; in impacted areas, we carry out environmental compensation through the planting of native species and/or financial incentives for socio-environmental projects: in 2020, we maintained a preserved area of 434.8 hectares within the influence of our assets, of which 308 hectares in Parnaíba, 102 hectares in Azulão, and 24.8 hectares in Jaguatirica II. We also act to scare fauna away, but if this is not possible the animals are rescued by a team of specialized biologists, who reposition the fauna in nearby places or correctly send them to care centers. Furthermore, with our R2W business model, we cover shorter transportation routes and, consequently, smaller areas are required, with reduced need for vegetation suppression and impact on fauna. Environmental risks may arise from noise, waste disposal, effluent discharge, and air emissions. All are mitigated through strict Socio-environmental Control and Monitoring Programs. Our commitment to environmental impacts on biodiversity has become even more relevant in 2020, due to our growing presence in the Amazon. Socioenvironmental Projects Studies in the Amazon Operation strategy in the Amazon GRI Appendices Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity As a result, during the year we started studies to implement projects that encourage agro-forestry, forest replacement, and the conservation of green areas, so that we can make a true socio-environmental contribution to this very important region. INTELLECTUAL & ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING MANUFACTURED HUMAN ORGANIZATIONAL THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 CAPITAL CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 105
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