Financial Analysis Presentation slide image

Financial Analysis Presentation

With cost discipline, cost synergy realization going better than original plan Ub THB million NII Total Operating Income Total Operating Expense THB million Non-NII ◆ Total Operating Income 50,975 48,406 -5% YoY 10,689 10,175 -5% YoY 16,212 2,984 15,900 15,663 3,118 13,227 12,782 12,577 -1% QoQ -3% YoY -1% QoQ 3,086 +3% YoY -2% QoQ -5% YoY -2% QoQ -2% YoY 40,286 38,231 -5% YoY 7,429 7,402 7,268 3Q20 2Q21 3Q21 9M20 9M21 3Q20 2Q21 3Q21 Overall core revenue was impacted from economic slowdown from the pandemic. Total revenue was down by -1% QoQ and -3% YoY in 3Q21 • 9M21 total operating income subsided to TH 48.4 bn. • -4% YoY 23,536 22,597 9M20 9M21 Recurring expenses declined from cost-saving initiatives after merger. OPEX recorded at THB 7.3 bn, down by -2% QoQ and -2% YoY. The Bank made sure stringent cost saving initiatives coming along as plan during this uncertain time. Despite one-time integration expenses and separation package in 9-month period, 9M21 total operating expense was well-contained by cost saving synergy. As of Sep-21, the Merged bank's headcount went down to 15,379 personnel (-4.1k after merger), resulting from the Bank's effort to execute merged bank synergies Branch rationalization continues as plan (reduced by -12 branches QoQ and -243 branches after merger). 17
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