Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

5.3.1 Ethics & Integrity [GRI 102-16] We believe that a sustainable society is only built when there is trust, integrity, and respect for the law. Therefore, in all decision making and in the management of our business, we prioritize ethics, as well as good practices in relationships with customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, service providers, and public entities. To support this commitment, we rely on a set of documents - which must be signed by all employees, proving their knowledge - internal regulations and processes that make up our Integrity Program. Our Compliance department also plays this role, acting with budgetary autonomy and reporting to the Board of Directors, to which it presents an annual work plan. The progress achieved with the planning is periodically reported to the Audit Committee and the Board of Executive Officers. We also maintain a Compliance Committee, a multidisciplinary advisory body that analyzes and supports the treatment of queries and reports received through our Whistleblowing Channel. The commission is composed of employees from key areas - such as Compliance, Human Resources, Legal and Operations, in addition to our CEO -, who provide advisory support on compliance issues related to their duties, improving investigations and the follow-up of possible cases of ethical violations, as well as clarifying doubts and supporting the correct interpretation of the Code of Conduct. ww CÓDIGO DE CONDUTA EU FAÇO O CERTO! Dawa ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED CAPITAL HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT [ENEVA 2020] PAGE 43
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