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Investor Presentaiton

66 SUMMARY OF GRI CONTENT ELDORADO BRASIL 2016 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 67 SUMMARY OF GRI CONTENT General disclosures Aspect Strategy and analysis Organizational profile Description G4-1 Message from the CEO G4-2 Description of main impacts, risks and opportunities G4-3 Name of the organization G4-4 Primary brands, products and/or services G4-5 Location of the organization's headquarters G4-6 Countries in which the operation's main or most relevant units for the sustainability aspects of the report are located G4-7 Nature of ownership and legal form G4-8 Markets served Page/response External assurance Omission Material aspects identified and boundaries G4-11 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements G4-12 Description of organization's supplier chain G4-13 Significant changes in the organization's size, structure, ownership, and supplier chain G4-14 Description of how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization G4-15 Social charters, principles, or other initiatives developed externally G4-16 Participation in associations and organizations G4-17 Entities included in the organization's consolidated financial statements, and entities not included in the report 100% of the employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements In 2016, there were no changes in size, structure or ownership G4-9 Scale of organization G4-10 Employee profile G4-18 Process for defining the report content G4-19 List of material aspects
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