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Investor Presentaiton

Information for users of this illustrative annual report The following annual report is prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRSS) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (HKCO) and the applicable disclosure provisions of the Main Board Listing Rules of the SEHK (MBLRS). The annual report is assumed to have been issued by a fictitious Main Board listed company, HK Listco Ltd (HK Listco) for the year ended 31 December 2023. HK Listco and its subsidiaries are primarily involved in the businesses of manufacturing and sale of electronic products, property development, construction and trading and property investment. HK Listco is assumed to have been applying HKFRSS in prior periods. Entities applying HKFRSS for the first time in their annual financial reports also need to consider the application of HKFRS 1, First-time adoption of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, when making the transition from previous GAAP to HKFRSS¹. The annual report illustrates the effects of certain changes that may commonly affect entities in the Hong Kong SAR. However, it should not be relied upon to identify all of the significant changes that an entity may need to make as a result of the new or revised HKFRSS first effective from 1 January 2023. As is further highlighted in the Foreword to this Guide, to assist in the assessment of the effects of the new and revised standards, the appendices to this Guide contain further information on HKFRS developments. The full text of the HKFRSS is available from the HKICPA's website. Use of the illustrative annual report The format and wording of this annual report are illustrative only and hence are not intended to be mandatory. Other methods or styles of presentation adopted may be equally acceptable provided that they comply with the presentation and disclosure provisions of the HKFRSS, HKCO and MBLRs and that the financial statements as a whole present a true and fair view. The annual report illustrates a range of common accounting policies and transactions but should not be used as a substitute for referring to the rules, standards and interpretations themselves. In addition, care should be taken to take account of the impact of any changes in requirements that may result from the finalisation of current exposure drafts or other current projects of the SEHK, HKICPA, IASB or its interpretive body, IFRS Interpretations Committee, between the date of this Guide and the finalisation of your annual report. 1 For further information on transitioning to HKFRS or asserting dual compliance (for example with IFRS Accounting Standards and HKFRS), please refer to our Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Information Sheet "Meeting the requirement to comply with applicable accounting standards and asserting dual compliance", available from your usual KPMG contact. 6 © 2023 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited ("KPMG International"), a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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