Investor Presentaiton
Transaction Rationale: Strategically fills gaps for ACL and will generate more
than $10m of operational efficiencies
Scale in NSW
Broader offerings
Medlab: 205 ACCs in NSW (9.8% of NSW ACCs)
Combined ACL/Medlab doubles in scale to 20.4% of NSW ACCS
Provides scale to invest in further efficiencies via larger
consolidated laboratory
Complementary footprint
Increased drive through sites (COVID-19 traveller opportunity)
ACL can insource majority of Medlab's testing being sent away to other
Increased ability to invest in digital histopathology
Medlab is AS4308 accredited: provides ACL with the ability to compete
in NSW and nationally for commercial drug and alcohol testing tenders
Excellent Entry platform in Qld
Medlab: 83 ACCs in Queensland (6.5% of ACCs in Qld)
Allows full laboratory with scale
Accelerated growth and scale for investment
• Histology lab opportunities
Improved laboratory platform
Business will be integrated to enable scale benefits to be
• Opportunity to combine labs into one highly automated central lab in
NSW - location TBD
The Queensland lab comprises 1,000m² of space and is on substantial
land holding (~6,500m²) allowing for future expansion
• Future-proof the business in both NSW and Queensland and provide
strong growth platforms in both States
Operational Synergies and Integration Track Record
• Operational synergies estimated to be >$10m that can be realised over next 18 to 24 months
Track record of integration success onto unified national pathology platform
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