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Investor Presentaiton

6 PRESENTATION ELDORADO BRASIL 2016 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 7 (G4-20 and G4-21) TOPICS Human capital development Generating employment and income Social impact on GRI ASPECTS EXTENSION OF IMPACTS¹ Colaboradores Sociedade Employment Training and education Indirect economic impacts Society Local communitie Society Local communities GRI INDICATORS LA1, LA2, LA9 and LA11 EC8 and S01 S02 surrounding communities Forestry partners Efficient use of resources Suppliers Employees Society Energy Water Effluents and waste EN3, EN8, EN10, EN22 and EN23 Preserving biodiversity Forestry partners Suppliers Society Biodiversity EN11 and EN12 Good forestry management practices² Corporate governance and transparency Forestry partners Suppliers Employees Society Society Public authorities Consumers Forestry partners Suppliers Anti-corruption Compliance Grievances and complaints SO3, S08 and S011 New organization (G4-22, G4-23 and G4-31) This year the report innovates with the presentation of an At- tachments section containing detailed data on some indica- tors reported by the company. It should be noted that strategic information continues to be pro- vided and duly contextualized in the chapters Eldorado, Governance, Strategy and Performance, and Value Chain. In addition to the indicators directly related to the ten most relevant topics for the company and for stakeholders, the docu- ment provides other data already monitored by Eldorado, as a means of ensuring the corporate information disclosure process. Any doubts or requests for clarification about the publication should be addressed to the email: sustentabilidade@eldorado brasil. Enjoy reading it! Commitments assumed in the Sustainability Policy > To supply products in an economically feasible, environmentally correct and socially fair manner; > To use natural resources sustainably and to maintain operations focused on preventing pollution; > To comply with legislation and other requirements applicable to the corporate activities; > To maintain ethical relations and transparent communications with stakeholders; > To provide a motivating work environment, with high health and safety standards; > To develop and apply technologies that ensure innovation and competitiveness; Climate strategy Forestry partners Suppliers Economic performance Employees Society Consumers Transparency and stakeholder engagement² Forestry partners Business growth strategies Emissions EC2, EN15, EN16, EN17, EN18 and EN19 Suppliers Employees Society Stakeholder engagement Public authorities Managers Employees Economic performance EC1 1 The extension of the impacts indicates the main stakeholder groups, inside and outside the organization, for whom the material topics are more critical. 2 The topics Forestry Management and Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement do not have GRI performance indicators that are directly related. However, Eldorado does account for how it manages these topics throughout the report. > To identify social and environmental improvements in all the organization's processes; > To focus on quality excellence in products and services; > To fulfill certification requirements in forestry management in accordance with Forest Stewardship Council principles and criteria; > To invest in employees and processes qualification to ensure continuous improvement in the corporate management system.
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