Investor Presentation December 2023
Appendix A - Non-IFRS Measures and Other Performance Metrics
Order Book Methodology
General Principle: The Company's vehicle and charging stations order book is determined by management based on purchase orders that have been signed, orders that have been formally confirmed by clients or products in respect of which formal
joint applications for governmental programs, subsidies or incentives have been made by the applicable clients and the Company. The order book is expressed as a number of units or a total dollar value, which dollar value is determined based on the
pricing of each unit included in the order book as further explained below under the section entitled "Pricing". The vehicles included in the vehicle order book as of November 6, 2023 provided for a delivery period ranging from a few months to the end
of the year ending December 31, 2026, with substantially all of such vehicles currently providing for deliveries before the end of the year ending December 31, 2025. In addition, substantially all of the deliveries are subject to the granting of subsidies
and incentives with processing time that are subject to important variations. There has been in the past and the Company expects there will continue to be variances between the expected delivery periods of orders and the actual delivery times, and
certain delays could be significant. Also, there has been in the past and the Company expects there will continue to be variances in the eligibility criteria of the various programs, subsidies and incentives introduced by governmental authorities,
including in their interpretation and application. Such variances or delays could result in the loss of a subsidy or incentive and/or in the cancellation of certain orders, in whole or in part. The Company's presentation of the order book should not be
construed as a representation by the Company that the vehicles and charging stations included in its order book will translate into actual sales.
Delivery Periods: The Company's order book refers to products that have not yet been delivered but which are reasonably expected by management to be delivered within a time period that can be reasonably estimated and includes, in the case of
charging stations, services that have not been completed but which are reasonably expected by management to be completed in connection with the delivery of the product. Purchase orders and applications relating to vehicles of Lion generally
provide for a time period during which the client expects delivery of the vehicles. Such period can vary from a specific date, a number or range of months after the issuance of the order or application, or a calendar year. The vehicles included in the
vehicle order book as of November 6, 2023 provided for a delivery period, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in each order (which, in substantially all cases as further discussed herein, relate to the approval of governmental subsidies
and grants), ranging from a few months to the end of the year ending December 31, 2026, with substantially all of such vehicles currently providing for deliveries before the end of the year ending December 31, 2025 (which corresponds to the latest
date by which claims are required to be made according to the current eligibility criteria of the Federal's Infrastructure Canada's Zero-Emission Transit Fund ("ZETF"), unless otherwise agreed by Infrastructure Canada). Delivery periods are disclosed
from time to time by the Company when available in respect of material orders. Delivery periods should not be construed as a representation or a guarantee by the Company that the actual delivery time will take place as scheduled. Given the nature of
the business and the products of the Company, the implied lead time for the production and delivery of a vehicle (which may be impacted, among other things, by supply chain challenges or changes in specifications), the nature of certain customers of
the Company (in many cases, fleet owners operating capital intensive operations which require financing and ongoing scheduling flexibility), and the fact that, as further described herein, substantially all of the vehicle orders included in the order book
are subject to the granting of governmental subsidies and incentives, actual delivery times may be subject to important variations or delays. Please refer to the section entitled "Ongoing Evaluation; Risk Factors" below regarding the potential impact of
variations or delays in deliveries.
Pricing: When the Company's order book is expressed as an amount of sales, such amount has been determined by management based on the current specifications or requirements of the applicable order, assumes no changes to such
specifications or requirements and, in cases where the pricing of a product or service may vary in the future, represents management's reasonable estimate of the prospective pricing as of the time such estimate is reported. A small number of vehicles
included in the order book have a pricing that remains subject to confirmation based on specifications and other options to be agreed upon in the future between the applicable client and the Company. For purposes of the determination of the order
book and the value allocated to such orders, management has estimated the pricing based on its current price lists and certain other assumptions relating to specifications and requirements deemed reasonable in the circumstances.
Performance Metric: The order book is intended as a supplemental measure of performance that is neither required by, nor presented in accordance with, IFRS, and is neither disclosed in nor derived from the financial statements of the Company.
The Company believes that the disclosure of its order book provides an additional tool for investors to use in evaluating the Company's performance, market penetration for its products, and the cadence of capital expenditures and tooling. The
Company's computation of its order book is subject to the specific methodology described herein and may not be comparable to other similarly entitled measures computed by other companies, because all companies may not calculate their order book
in the same fashion. Other companies also sometimes refer to or use "order backlog" or "order intake" as performance metrics, which are most likely not calculated on the same basis as the Company's order book. In addition, as explained above, the
Company's presentation of the order book is calculated based on the orders and the applications made as of the time that the information is presented, and it is not based on the Company's assessment of future events and should not be construed as
a representation by the Company that the vehicles and charging stations included in its order book will translate into actual sales.
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