Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities slide image

Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities

Centro Clima CENTRO DE ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS SOBRE MEIO AMBIENTE E MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS GHG Emissions, GDP and Population in Rio de Janeiro: 2005 and 2012 2012/2005 2005 2012 Increase (%) Total emissions (million 11.61 22.64 95% tons CO2e) GDP (billion Reais at 167.00 242.50 45% 2012 prices)* Population (million 6.10 6.32 4% inhabitants) Total emissions/GDP (t 69.54 93.35 34% CO₂e/million 2012 Reais) Total emissions per 1.90 3.58 88% capita (t CO2e/inhabitant)
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