1Q23 Earnings and Operations Update slide image

1Q23 Earnings and Operations Update

Soso Field (MS) – Revitalizing Mature Assets ⚫ 2022 Highlights - Phase 1 - Net production up 135% in 2022 - Recompleted 9 vertical oil producers and 4 CO2 injectors into the Rodessa interval to develop a new horizon for CO2 flooding by utilizing existing CO2 infrastructure Net capital spend for Phase 1 ~$13 MM • Future Development - Phase 2 expansion started early 2023 with an additional 6 wells to be recompleted in the Rodessa formation - Additional potential future phases Soso Denbury CO2 pipelines Natural CO2 source Denbury - EOR oil field MS Soso Field Avg. Net Production BOE/d 1,051 1,038 827 Denbury Inc. 497 446 1Q22 2Q22 3Q22 4Q22 1Q23 Rodessa formation: New target flood interval Bailey formation: previous flooded interval 9 11300
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