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Investor Presentaiton

OUR VALUE CREATION | Financial capital Economic Performance GRI 103-2, 103-3 Rede D'Or São Luiz's consolidated net revenue stood at R$20.4 billion in 2021, up by 45.3% compared to the previous year, mainly boosted by our capacity to attract a greater patient flow and perform a larger volume of surgical procedures; to efficiently manage our units with healthy occupancy rates during the year; and to accelerate our expansion process, increasing the number of operational beds to 8,946 by the end of 2021. In 2020, there were 7,393 beds. In 2021, Rede D'Or São Luiz's EBITDA reached R$4.9 billion, up by 97.3% compared to 2020. Excluding non- recurring costs and expenses, especially those related to fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, our adjusted EBITDA was R$5.7 billion in the year, 79.2% above 2020 figures. Despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic and all efforts devoted to ensuring the safety and the delivery of the best clinic outcomes to our patients, Rede D'Or São Luiz's operating cash generation, before interest, rates and social contribution was R$ 1.6 billion in 2021. This result is evidence that we are on the right path, increasingly confident about delivering our ambitious expansion plan, increasing enhancing our offer and service quality considerably. Distribution of Added Value (R$ thousand) GRI 201-1 Revenue 2021 2020 2019 21,820,899 14,946,817 14,159,127 Sale of products and services 22,803,109 15,776,646 14,989,059 Provision for disallowance (1,103,432) (833,749) (833,852) Other revenues 121,222 3,920 3,920 Supplies acquired from third parties (8,991,333) (6,108,608) (5,111,547) Cost of Services sold (8,449,526) (5,823,637) (4,796,892) Materials, energy, outsourced services and other expenses (520,065) (282,231) (296,261) Loss/recovery of assets (21,742) (2,740) (18,394) Gross added value 12,829,566 8,838,209 9,047,580 HISC Hospital Santa Cruz 71 REDE D'OR SÃO LUIZ | Annual Sustainability Report 2021 Depreciation and amortization (1,228,670) (844,527) (708,797) Net added value 11,600,896 7,993,682 8,338,783 Added value received in transfer 5,778,776 8,161,991 1,571,713 Income using the equity method 79,338 (6,091) 4,427 Financial revenue 5,699,438 8,168,082 1,567,286 Total added value 17,379,672 16,155,673 9,910,496 Distribution of added value 17,379,672 16,155,673 9,910,496 Personnel and charges 6,242,615 5,088,672 4,443,108 Taxes, fees and contributions 1,672,675 937,523 1,342,810 Interest, rents and other operating expenses 7,786,647 9,670,055 2,933,061 Dividends and Interest on Equity 1,677,735 428,329 1,191,517 72
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