FY22 Financial Highlights slide image

FY22 Financial Highlights

Frasers Property Australia Residential - Land bank Project¹ Macquarie Park (Midtown) - HD, NSW Yarraville (Bradmill Yarraville) - HD/MD/R, VIC Effective share (%) Estimated total Estimated total saleable area no. of units² ('000 sqm) PDA³ 1726 131.7 50 1082 170.6 Edmondson Park (Ed.Square) - HD, NSW 100 812 44.1 Parkville (Parkside Parkville) - HD, VIC 50 548 26.4 Keperra L/MD, QLD 100 495 n/a Shell Cove (The Waterfront, Shell Cove) - HD, NSW PDA³ 357 23.1 Cockburn Central (Cockburn Living) - H/MD, WA 100 346 34.4 Newstead (Chester Street) - HD, QLD 100 144 18.6 Wolli Creek (Discovery Point) - HD, NSW 100 26 4.3 NB: Profit is recognised on completion basis. All references to units include apartments, houses and land lots. 1. L- Land, H/MD - Housing / medium density, HD - High density, R- Mixed use retail. 2. Includes 100% of joint arrangements (JO and JV) and PDAs. 3. PDA: Project development agreement. We are Frasers Property 81
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