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Investor Presentaiton

Months of Supply US Market Overview Key Considerations In 1Q 2013, US total rig count amounted on average to 1,758 rigs, down 3% QoQ and 12% YoY. Gas rig count remained almost flat QoQ but fell by more than 40% YoY. Amount of oil rigs decreased slightly QoQ but rose by more than 5% YoY. ■ OCTG inventory level appears to be fractionally up to around 5.3 months while buyers keep close tabs on what they are buying due to the the rise of total pipe shipments. ■ Seamless shipments were down 3% QoQ while welded shipments were up 8% QoQ. Imports share stayed at 46%; seamless imports were down 9% while welded imports were up by 16% QoQ. Source: Baker Hughes, OCTG Situation Report 1Q 2013 US OCTG Inventory Level Slightly Increased Growing Oil Drilling Activity Supported by High Crude Oil Prices US Rig Count 2,100 1,800 1,500 1,200 900 600 300 US Oil and Gas Rig Count TMK Gas - 20% Oil - 80% 0+ Mar-09 Sep-09 Feb-10 Aug-10 Jan-11 Jul-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Nov-12 May-13 Source: Baker Hughes Premium Tubular Content Increasing with Unconventional Drilling Activity US Oil and Gas Rigs by Type of Drilling 16 14 12 642 O Months of Supply -US Rig Count 2,500 2,100 2,000 1,800 1,500 80 CO + 1,000 US Rig Count Vertical - 26% 1,500 500 US Rig Count 1,200 Horizontal - 62% 900 600 2 0 0 Jan-08 Oct-08 Jul-09 Apr-10 Jan-11 Oct-11 Jul-12 Apr-13 300 Directional - 12% 0+ Jan-09 Aug-09 Mar-10 Oct-10 Jun-11 Jan-12 Aug-12 Mar-13 Source: Baker Hughes, Preston Pipe & Tube Report Source: Baker Hughes 19
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