Bank of Georgia Group Financial Results slide image

Bank of Georgia Group Financial Results

Strong liquidity position Liquidity coverage and net stable funding ratios JSC Bank of Georgia standalone (Basel III liquidity) Figures given for JSC Bank of Georgia standalone Net loans to customer funds and DFIs 132.4% 131.9% 130.6% 130.9% 130.1% 107.9% 129.8% 128.2% 121.4% 95.5% 94.0% 92.3% 92.8% 93.1% 113.5% 84.5% 85.0% 85.9% 83.8% 111.1% Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Mar-23 Jun-23 Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Net loans to customer funds Mar-23 Jun-23 Liquidity coverage ratio ■Net stable funding ratio Net loans to customer funds and DFIs Since January 2023, the NBG has transitioned to IFRS-based accounting, and the March and June 2023 liquidity coverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio have been calculated based on IFRS Both the LCR and the NSFR ratios have been comfortable above the minimum requirement of 100% ■ The decrease in LCR in June was mainly driven by the repayment of the Eurobond issued by the Bank coupled with a scheduled repayment of DFI funding and a significant growth in corporate portfolio. In August 2023, LCR returned to around 120% 34
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