Investor Presentaiton
Corporation Tax
Originally low corporation tax attracted FDI employment to Ireland
• Non-US firms not permitted to exploit opportunity by domestic tax authorities
Bulk of corporation tax is paid by small number of US firms.
Exceptional profit margins because location of IP in Ireland.
• In individual companies, such as Apple, IP held by separate subsidiary from company
employing large numbers in Ireland
• Employment decision separable from where IP is held and tax paid (or not paid)
Trump tax reform may have benefited Ireland because GILTI rate 10.5%
Very vulnerable to changes in US tax law - e.g. proposed Biden reforms?
• OECD process would have impact. Department of Finance estimate up to €2bn
• With US tax reforms total of €6bn could be at risk: c. 3% of GNI*, but direct employment
impact likely to be lowView entire presentation