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Investor Presentaiton

H1 FY2021 FINANCIALS SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS Period ended Period ended 31 December 31 December Salient features Units 2020 2019 Movement Gold produced (oz) 98,386 92,941 5.9% Gold sold (Note 1) (oz) 98,386 90,602 8.6% Revenue (US$ Million) 183.8 132.8 38.4% Average gold price received (combined) (US$/oz) 1,865 1,464 27.4% (R/kg) 975,187 692,045 40.9% Adjusted EBITDA APM (Note 2) (US$ Million) 76.4 44.2 72.9% Attributable earnings (US$ Million) 40.8 21.9 86.3% Headline earnings EPS (US$ Million) 40.8 21.7 88.0% (US cents) 2.11 1.14 85.1% HEPSAPM Net debt APM (US cents) 2.11 1.13 86.7% (US$ million) 65.2 123.7 (47.3%) Note 1: Gold sold excludes 2,339oz produced by Evander Mines' mining operations between July 2019 and December 2019. The associated revenue and costs were capitalised for accounting purposes prior to the 8 Shaft pillar project reaching steady-state production during May 2020. Note 2: Adjusted EBITDA comprises earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation and impairment reversals. 27
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