Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

11 APPENDICES ABOUT ENEVA Stakeholder - Engagement and frequency approach 1/7 Stakeholder Engagement approach Employees [GRI 102-12 | 102-13 | 102-43] BACK Engagement frequency Regular contact through management routines in the offices, internal communications, daily and weekly safety dia-logs, general meetings for alignment of all employees (e.g. Open Conversation), among other initiatives for the alignment and engagement of these stakeholders with our most relevant themes. Frequent Suppliers Academic institutions Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Contact with local, national, and international suppliers for participation in preferentially competitive processes, fol-lowing the applicable rules (guidelines, policies, and procedures) and seeking the best market practices, aiming at commercial agreements that benefit both parties and meet the business demands for materials and services. Communication can be done via a digital platform, maintaining the transparency and history of the processes, and is complemented by interactions through formalizations by email and meetings. Additionally, supplier performance will be monitored based on performance criteria and indicators, aiming to build a partnership relationship to mitigate risks, promote transparency and feedback between internal customers and suppliers for a joint pursuit of continuous improvement. Contact with researchers and professors from research centers and universities for theoretical and academic de-velopment of projects that are on the innovation agenda of the oil and gas and energy sectors. Frequent meetings in Brazil and abroad with renowned academic institutions with the objective of taking subsidies, collaborating, and in-vesting in research projects. Support is given mainly through partnerships, encouraging research in the entities. Contact with the minister and/or secretaries of the departments for alignment regarding the implementation of poli-cies for the electric power industry that impact our business or the industry; discussion of the industry's planning, with monitoring of the security of energy supply and definition of preventive actions, when applicable. Contact can occur via letters, through the MME's official systems, or through meetings. Frequent Frequent Frequent Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) Contact with technicians and/or secretaries, mainly to discuss subsidies for the formulation, planning and implemen-tation of actions related to the national energy policy, including topics related to electricity auctions. Contact can occur via letters, through EPE's official systems, or through meetings. Frequent National System Operator (NSO) Contact with technicians and managers for topics related to: planning the operation of electric power generation; providing subsidies for planning the expansion of the electricity system; and the elaboration of optimized dispatch programs based on declared availability. Contact can occur via letters, through the ONS official systems, or through meetings. Frequent ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT FIGHTING ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL GRI NATURAL FINANCIAL APPENDICES CAPITAL CAPITAL CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 121
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