Investor Presentaiton
Consultant recommendations
Motivations for
investing in
GoPunjab should
focus on promoting
important factors such
as local infrastructure,
political and economic
stability in the
province to relevant
investor groups.
This should be done
via trade shows,
investor delegation
meeting etc.
Another important
source of information
seems to the 'word of
mouth' so current
investor perception
and aftercare is crucial
to attract more
Affiliated with Galup International
Pakistan's Foremost Social Research Lab
Entry (obstacles
and processes)
Procedures related to
starting a business
should be simplified
and clarity of
guidelines should be
improved (and be
easily available) for
potential investors.
Finance and revenue
departments of the
province should be
made more proactive
and better
communication should
be established
between the federal
ministries and local
departments to
ensure smooth entry
Since an
majority of the firms
want to purchase good
locally, the GoPunjab
and its IPAs should
help facilitate this with
better information on
potential linkages (an
MIS system for the
same would be useful)
as well as policy on
improvement of
standard of goods /
services and possible
tax rebates on
exploiting these
Protection and
GoPunjab should take
measures on reducing
corruption as well as
the communicating on
the perception of
'reduction in
corruption' to increase
investor confidence in
business operations
It is crucial that
incentives should be
communicated to the
potential existing
investors and the
process of availing
these incentives be
made simple and easy.
One-stop windows
may help with such
aftercare activities.
Transparency in
processes and
internet based
mechanisms may help
curtail any grievances
especially related to
bribery etc.
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