Event Passport Krasnodar Region
Ratings and Prizes
In 2019 the region ranked 13th in the National
Investment Climate Ranking in the Russian regions.
1A is the highest rank of investment attractiveness
according to Expert-RA. In this rating, the Krasnodar
Region belongs to the group of leading regions with
maximum potential and minimal risks.
The Krasnodar Region steadily makes it to the TOP 5
constituent territories of the Russian Federation with
the least investment risks for investors.
The credit rating of the Krasnodar Region (according
to Expert-RA, the Russian Rating Agency) is ruAA
(a stable forecast).
Event Passport
Krasnodar Region
Main Events
The fifth place among Russian regions by the total
volume of annually attracted investments (over the
three last years (2015-2017) about 1.5 tin rubles of
investments were attracted to the region in total).
In the average, 40% of investments in the Southern
Federal District fall on the Krasnodar Region. In the
average, up to 70 largescale investment projects are
being implemented in the Krasnodar Region (worth
of more than 100 mln rubles) annually. 30% of them
are projects worth more than 1 bln rubles.
The Krasnodar Region made it to the TOP 10 regions
of the RF with the best quality of life (best on data
provided by the Federal State Statistics Service,
the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the
Central Bank of Russia).
The Krasnodar Region is represented in the Russian
Regions Event Potential Rating-2019 by two cities:
Sochi (4) and Krasnodar (5).
The Krasnodar Region nowadays is one of the landmarks of Russia. Not only due to the
Olympics, Formula 1 Grand Prix and the FIFA World Cup. The main thing is that Kuban is a
region with a steadily growing economy, comfortable investment climate in the Russian
context, the best conditions for business operations. And a key objective of regional
authorities is to create conditions for stable economic growth.
The Krasnodar Region is one
of business tourism centres
in Russia. Annually, about
500 events of congress tourism
forms take place in the territory.
Sochi is one of the most popu-
lar cities of the territory, where
high-level intergovernmental
meetings, international forums,
exhibitions and seminars take
place. Today Krasnodar and Sochi
feature all the necessary infra-
structure for holding largescale
congress and exhibition events:
there are venues, operators, spe-
cialists, hotels, transport, etc.
The largest venue in Krasnodar
is the Expograd South Exhibition
Complex featuring 4 exhibition pa-
vilions with the area of more than
9,000 sq. m each, conference halls
for roundtable discussions and
meetings; required equipment; ca-
tering areas for participants, open
outdoor spaces.
Due to the Olympics Sochi acquired
an opportunity to transform the
Olympic infrastructure into cultural
and exhibition centres and sports
Capitals of business and event
tourism of the Krasnodar Region
are Krasnodar and Sochi. This di-
rection is also developing dynami-
cally in Anapa, Gelendzhik and the
Tuapsinsky District. The modern
infrastructure of accommodation
means, such as business centres,
conference halls, respective equip-
ment, personnel, additional ser-
vices, allows organizing business
events of any level and scale.
Based on the analysis of exhibi-
tions held in the territory, it could
be concluded that a share of spe-
cialized exhibitions in such indus-
tries as construction, food, agricul-
ture, transport and communication,
tourism has grown.
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