Climate Change Impact and Structural Reforms in Kiribati slide image

Climate Change Impact and Structural Reforms in Kiribati

KIRIBATI either through bilateral or multilateral donors. In the medium to long term, the Gok should embed climate projects in a coherent national strategy, continue improving PFM/PIM capacity, and coordinate with other PICS to undertake joint regional projects. 30. Above all, international cooperation is crucial to help Kiribati overcome climate threats. The impact of climate change is far beyond the ability of any countries to cope with it alone, not to mention small atoll islands like Kiribati. The Paris Agreement needs to be fully implemented as soon as possible to mitigate climate risks globally. In parallel, Kiribati is also in need of international cooperation for financial support to fund climate adaptation and mitigation activities. To make progress in this direction, CFs should consider streamlining accreditation requirements given their high compliance cost for countries (especially small and fragile countries) and prioritize requirements in areas where strong capacity will significantly strengthen financial safeguards (Dabla-Norris et al., 2021). INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND 15
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