Perspectives on South Korean Overseas Investments slide image

Perspectives on South Korean Overseas Investments

Institutional Investors Top 5 Institutional Investors Name 1 National Pension Service AUM ($bn) Alternatives ($bn, %) 594.4 1 75.5 (12.7%) 2 Korea Investment Corporation 138.3 22.6 (16.4%) 2 3 Korea Post 102.6 4.4 (4.3%) 4 Korea Federation of Community Credit Cooperative 66.7 10.0 (15%) 5 The Korean Teachers' Credit Union 32.9 16.4 (50.0%) 3 • Pension Funds There are a total of four Korean pension funds which are known to outsource assets to asset managers via funds or mandates. Of which, the state-run pension fund, National Pension Service (NPS) is the most active in terms of outsourcing assets to external managers. Insurance Companies There are ~25 life insurance players with a total of $558.6bn in assets. Domestic insurers continue to dominate the life insurance market, with a market share of 86.8%. Korean life insurers have been actively deploying to foreign securities, quadrupling assets between 2012 and 2017. Overseas Investment 18% by NPS - By 2% 37% ■ US Japan ■France ■Canada Country 2% ■ UK 3% ■ Germany 4 5% ■ Spain 4% 5% 7% 16% 3% ■ Netherlands Italy ■Australia ■ Others ☑ DARC MATTER PWC Alternatives Report Sovereign Wealth Funds • Korea Investment Corporation (KIC) is ranked 6th in Asia, accounting for ~$110bn in assets. Assets coming from alternatives have quadrupled from 2012 - 2016, with aggressive investment into real estate, infrastructure and private equity. Mutual Aid Associations There are -76 mutual aid associations in Korea. These associations were established to offer financial, welfare, and other social security services to segments of the private sector. Looking at the 6 key associations that outsource managers, combined investable assets were $46bn and 45% into alternatives. 20 20
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