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Investor Presentaiton

Corporate & Institutional Company (JPY B) Group aggregate¹ FY20 FY21 YOY Plan Progress Loan Balance (avg. Balance)/ Spread² League Table Gross Profits 1 472.8 491.7 +19.0 476.4 103% (JPY T) 0.53% 0.54% FY20 FY21 0.52% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% o/w Interest Income 2 194.8 217.4 +22.7 DCM³,4 1st 1st o/w Non-interest Income 3 278.6 275.0 -3.6 SDG bonds4 1st 1st G&A Expenses -206.5 198.1 +8.4 -200.8 99% LCM4 1st 1st (Excl. Non-recurring losses and others) Equity in Income from 5 3.9 3.8 Investments in Affiliates -0.2 26.7 27.3 30.9 30.7 30.2 29.6 4,5 ECM 4th 4th Net Business Profits 6 270.1 297.3 +27.2 280.5 106% M&A 4,6 No. of deals 4th 2nd Amount 15th 5th Credit-related Costs 7 -113.4 -173.0 -59.6 Net Gains (Losses) related 8 49.2 to Stocks and others 57.0 +7.8 H1 H2 H1 H2 FY19 FY20 Loan Balance H1 H2 FY21 SP Others 9 13.7 3.4 -10.3 Net Business Profits Net Income 10 219.6 184.7 -34.9 269.6 69% (JPY B, rounded figures) Stable revenue Upside 297.3 270.1 -3.0 (+) Real estate Internal risk capital (avg. balance) ROE 11 3,764.0 3,543.2 -220.7 97.0 100.0 12 5.8% 5.2% -0.6% 7.6% Gross Profits ROE 13 12.6% 13.9% +1.3% Expense ratio 14 43.7% 40.3% -3.4% +30.0 200.0 170.0 [ (-) Solutions Business (+) Sl areas 7 (+) Cross-shareholdings. (Dividend income) FY20 FY21 1. New management accounting rules were applied in FY21. Past figures were recalculated based on the new rules. 2. BK+TB, management accounting. 3. Straight bonds, Investment corporation bonds, Zaito institution bonds, Municipal bonds (Lead manager method only), Samurai bonds and Preferred securities (excluding own debt). 4. Source: Refinitiv. 5. Equity Underwriting amount. Book runner basis. 6. Any Japanese involvement announced (excluding real estate deals). 7. Strategic investment (SI) area, including the equity/mezzanine business. MIZUHO 41
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