Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

IPS - Investment & Protection Services - 9M22 €m 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22 / 2Q22 3Q22/ 9M22 9M21 9M22 / 3Q21 2Q22 9M21 Investment & Protection Services Revenues Operating Expenses and Dep. 1,632 1,498 +8.9% 1,723 -5.3% 5,005 4,836 +3.5% -1,087 -1,038 +4.8% -1,068 +1.8% -3,206 -3,054 +5.0% Gross Operating Income 545 461 +18.3% 655 -16.8% 1,799 1,783 +0.9% Cost of Risk 2 -6 n.s. -6 n.s. -11 -14 -21.4% Operating Income 547 455 +20.2% 649 -15.8% 1,788 1,768 +1.1% Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 42 17 n.s. 66 -36.3% 160 100 +60.2% Other Non Operating Items 39 -4 n.s. 13 n.s. 91 94 -3.6% Pre-Tax Income Cost/Income Allocated Equity (€bn, year to date) 627 468 +34.1% 729 -13.9% 2,038 1,962 +3.9% 66.6% 69.3% -2.7 pt 62.0% +4.6 pt 64.1% 63.1% +1.0 pt 10.0 11.8 -15.3% Revenues: +3.5% vs. 9M21 • • Increase in Insurance revenues driven by Savings and Protection on the whole, offset by the decrease in financial result due to the impact of the market decrease Increase in Wealth Management and Real Estate revenues Very unfavourable impact of the market environment on Asset Management revenues Very strong increase in Principal Investments revenues • Increase driven by business development and targeted initiatives Operating expenses: +5.0% vs. 9M21 Pre-tax income: +3.9% vs. 9M21 • Increase in contribution by associates Note: Stability in "Other non-operating items" due to the capital gain on sales by Asset Management in 9M21 and by Insurance and Wealth Management in 9M22 BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 71
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