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Investor Presentaiton

1 Nangus Road Prospects • Shallow surface sediments masking outcrop 2 Riversdale East and West Prospects • • Broad magnetic anomaly of similar size and amplitude to the magnetic anomaly which maps the copper-gold bearing monzonite intrusion at Cooba¹ Modelling of the magnetic response indicates that the top of the magnetic anomaly is ~200-300m deep A 580 500mE 581 000mE Geopeko (1991) RAB Ended in Cover Sediments Hole 399 A' . Copper in porphyry outcrop: two rock chip samples assayed 1.2% and 2.0% copper (malachite) Drilling targeting the magnetic anomaly intersected minor copper sulphide veins within Monzonite. Drilling stopped short of testing the main magnetic target Riversdale East: interpreted to represent a complex series of magnetic anomalies associated with the monzonite porphyry complex 0 mRL -200 mRL -400 mRL Nangus Rd Target 500m 1 Located north of Company's tenement MagSusc (SI × 10^-6) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 B 6 117 000mE 6 118 000mE MagSusc (S) x 10.6) 40000 30000 Jododex (1981) Rock Chips 1-2% Copper in Monzonite North (1995) Drilling Hole RP2 copper sulphide veins (minor) peak assay 2m @ 0.15% Cu, 80ppm Mo Sediment RP2 River 58m 49m 100m " Manzonite 10 Riversdale 20000 10000 Cover Sands and Gravels 0 B' Riversdale East 1km 0 mRL 1 -200 mRL 10
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