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Investor Presentaiton

Sustainability & Commitment Approach ■ At Textainer, being a responsible corporate citizen means thinking and acting sustainability for our employees, customers, shareholders and local communities. We take pride in the quality of our container fleet and operations, and in our contributions to the continued growth of the industry. Please find our 2022 ESG Summary available HERE. t X Employees ☐ AIM: to maintain a work ☐ environment that is inclusive, growth oriented and fast paced Promote work-life balance and overall employee wellbeing Gender diversity: o 50% women in the workforce o 30% women on the board of directors ■ Customers AIM: to be the most reliable and responsive operator Work with suppliers to use waterborne paints to reduce VOC emissions, utilize bamboo-sourced flooring, and install energy-efficient refrigeration machinery in our containers Provide the highest quality equipment in the right location with competitive all-in costs Environment ☐ AIM: to minimize and manage our impact on the environment ■ Majority of operational emissions from Scope 2, electrical energy ■ 17% sourced from green and renewable energy ■ Purchase Lease- Resell • Communities AIM: to support local, disadvantaged communities through funding initiatives that uplift, educate and empower ■ Support Zululand Conservation Trust to protect local wildlife and the communities close to them ■ Provide in-kind assistance for disaster relief efforts in connection with shipping line partners 25
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