2022 Full Year Results
Commercial, Personal Banking & Services - Commercial & Personal Banking
Development strategy confirmed
Strengthening our leading positions
in Europe
#1 in the Corporate segment in Europe¹
#1 in Corporate Banking, Cash Management & Trade Finance¹
Favourable positioning and enhanced cooperation
between businesses generating an increase in cross-
selling revenues of +16%2
Comprehensive transaction banking offering: increase
by 9% of number of transactions processed on pooled
payment platforms³, development of acquisition capacities
(+16% vs. 2021), broad rollout of APIs
The Eurozone's #1 Private Bank5
Very sustained net inflows in 2022 (>€9.0bn)
Broad coverage of client needs in coordination with IPS
and CIB (structured products, responsible savings, etc.)
~60% of GOI of Commercial & Personal Banking in the
Eurozone is generated by corporate clients and
Adaptation of the operating model underway in
retail activities
Acceleration of digital and technological
13.3 million active customers on mobile apps in 4Q22
(+11.1% vs. 4Q21)6
Adaptation of services models to customer value:
Rollout of customer services & offering dedicated to
Mass affluent customers in France, Belgium, and
Enhanced operational efficiency
Outsourcing of some IT and back-office activities
at BNL, total transfer of 803 FTEs
Economies of scale with the pooling of ATMs
underway in Belgium and being studied in France
and Luxembourg
>20% of individual clients are Mass affluent
~20% by Private Banking clients
1. Source: Coalition Greenwich Share Leader 2022 Europe Large Corporate Trade Finance, 2022 Europe Large Corporate Cash Management (preliminary data); 2. Revenues generated by a client (a business group) of a CPBS business line in another
business line of CPBS, IPS or CIB (9M22 vs. 9M21); 3. Scope: Individual, Private Banking and corporate clients, including acquisition transactions except Axepta Italy; 4. All acquisition transactions processed on a scope of individual, Private Banking and
corporate clients, except Axepta Italy; 5. Assets under management, as published by the main Eurozone banks for 3Q22; 6. Scope: average of CPB individual, professional and Private Banking clients in the Eurozone, Personal Investors in Germany, and
Nickel; 7. Scope: BCEF, BCEB, BNL, BCEL, BNPP Polska and Consorsbank
The bank for a changing world
2022 Full Year Results | 40View entire presentation