Sustainable Finance Framework 2022
Sustainable Finance Framework 2022
Introduction Rationale for Framework Alignment
Use of Proceeds Evaluation and Selection
Management of Proceeds Reporting Verification Review Disclaimer
Investir junto
com a gente
faz toda a
We will provide our capital providers
(investors, shareholders, financial institutions
and/or multilaterals) with updated information
regarding the Sustainable Instruments in
a public report 18 to be fully available in our
website ("
relacoes-com-investidores/"). The information
will be made, and keep, readily available
annually until full allocation, and on a timely
basis in case of material developments
("Annual Report").
Our Annual Report will include the eligibility
criteria on which the net proceeds have been
allocated, including the amounts and numbers
of transactions on each criteria. We may also
prepare (at investor's request) specific reports
that might be required depending on the
Sustainable Instrument selected.
Where confidentiality agreements, competitive
considerations, or a large number of underlying
projects limit the amount of detail that can be
made available, information will be presented
in generic terms or on an aggregated portfolio
basis (e.g. percentage allocated to certain
project categories). We are committed to
disclose all relevant information observing the
relevant laws, agreements of confidentiality
or conflicts of interest and whenever possible
also be guided by ICMA's Impact Reporting
guidelines 19.
We will also prepare impact reports containing
the output and impacts for each eligibility
criteria. The indicators may be selected from -
but are not limited to the list below.
18 The dedicated report might be disclosed on Sicredi's Sustainability Report.
19 Handbook-Harmonised-Framework-for-Impact-Reporting-June-2021-100621.pdf (
16View entire presentation