Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives
GRI -3-1 Local development, 413-1
The Social aspect is included in Orizon's sustainability strategy in various
sectors. The company values transparency in relation to customers, regulators
and watchdogs, suppliers, neighboring communities and employees. With
its socio-environmental responsibility policies, and communication channel,
Orizon supports forums, meetings and visits to strengthen its relationship
with its stakeholders.
In its daily work to mitigate the impact of its business on the communities
neighboring its operations, as well as promote actions designed to improve
its relations in the regions surrounding its assets, the company works to
generate income, prioritizing the employment of those who live near the
plants and investing in local sports, cultural and social projects.
Orizon's Integrated Ombudsman has been established as a channel for
communication between the company's ecoparks and its stakeholders,
leading to the identification and monitoring of indicators that enable the
company to evaluate its relationship with its stakeholders.
In the process of communication between the plants and the communities,
the function of the ombudsman is to guarantee the quality of the information
provided by the company in relation to demands that may be arising,
identifying errors and successes, and seeking solutions for any problems
that are presented.
The Company is committed to using its expertise responsibly and ethically,
and to working together with other organizations and individuals to minimize
the negative impacts caused and promote social responsibility. This includes
participating in initiatives and projects that aim to protect the environment,
diversity and inclusion, as well as the responsible use of natural resources.
In terms of approach, the adoption of good practices is a clear and efficient
process for dealing with grievances, involving an immediate assessment of
the situation, the paying of close attention to the stakeholders, investigation
of the grievance and the taking of corrective measures. GRI 2-25
Orizon performs environmental impact assessments and continual monitoring,
involving analysis of the processes that take place before and after the actions,
to understand their extent in the intended environmental transformations.
The company conducts development programs based upon the needs of
the local communities: support for an animal welfare NGO (the Paulínia
Ecopark provides monthly financial support); interactive events (storytelling
in public spaces, lending toys to children); donations (basic food hampers,
clothes, fishing equipment); an informative bulletin on sustainability and
the company's operations; and an Environmental Education program in
the local schools.
The company performs a range of actions in support of sustainable local
development depending upon the local needs and based upon the relationship
established with the local community leaders. GRI 203-1
Orizon receives complaints, doubts,
suggestions and requests through its
'SAC' ('Customer Services' channel)
([email protected]) and Ombudsman
(0800 024 6114), with calls being free-of-
charge. The contacts are recorded in a log and
control spreadsheet. The Ombudsman is audited
and operates with a process flow. In 2022, 85
complaints were identified and resolved.
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