Hawaii Visitor Industry and Public Health Update slide image

Hawaii Visitor Industry and Public Health Update

Conclusion STATE OF 1959 HAWAI Hawaii is relatively well positioned to manage through current events Strong ■ Centralized government allows Hawaii to react more quickly to crises than many other states Governmental ■ Executive authority to control spending through the ability to restrict, delay or suspend appropriations ■ State Legislature has the ability to increase taxes and authorize debt without voter approval Authority Financial ■ $58.9 million EBRF and $191.3 million HHRF are still in reserve ■ Capitalized on the economic growth in recent years to increase contributions to fund pension and OPEB Preparedness ■ Avoided using prior budget surpluses to fund large new programs with recurring costs Continued Focus on Public Health Resilient Economy ■ Council on Revenues provides quarterly revenue forecasts that facilitate budget adjustments ■ The proactive COVID-19 management has held cases per capita amongst the lowest in the nation ■ Statewide management of most health and social welfare programs ■ Robust statewide healthcare system under which the vast majority of residents are insured ■ Diverse economy with multiple independent sectors, including construction and professional services ■ Military presence is critical for national security and provides further economic stability ■ Significant federal funding will help strengthen the recovery ■ Robust government and private investment in infrastructure will provide fiscal stimulus ■ Demand for Hawaii real estate remains strong ■ Local governments in Hawaii are financially strong with ample reserves ■ Hawaii is a globally-recognized, premium brand with a focus on health, nature and sustainability Premier Tourism Industry ■ Tourism industry is positioned for a quick recovery with a quarantine end date of October 15 ■ State, Hawaii Tourism Authority, airlines and hotels are working together to facilitate a safe and successful return of tourism to Hawaii 18
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