Financial Analysis Presentation
Executive summary
Focusing on funding optimization and cost discipline against revenue pressure. Asset quality in line with target.
Business environment remained challenging throughout 3Q21. Our direction was therefore unchanged from 1H21.
The overall 9M21 can be highlighted as follows.
Focused on quality growth strategy to ensure the healthiness of our balance sheets during the pandemic
Enhanced funding structure further to reduce pressure on NIM from slow asset growth and yields
Maintained cost discipline and delivered cost saving initiatives during integration activities
Prudently managed asset quality and ensured sufficient level of provision as well as robust capital buffer
We will remain conservative as it is still a long and uncertain road for economic recovery.
The improving vaccine rollout, the easing of Covid-19 restrictions and the open for low-risk country tourists are expected to be positive for
business activities. However, Covid-19 risks still exist and Thailand's fragile economy will take time before seeing strong recovery and to
regain pre Covid-19 strengths. With that outlook, TTB will stick with conservative approach and quality growth strategy.
As EBT mission was successfully carried out, revenue synergy initiatives, the last component of merger synergies, can be kicked start.
TTB's new value proposition post-EBT would support fee income recovery. However, it is not a quick turnaround catalyst but rather an
engine to build and sustain fee income base in medium to long term.
Credit cost will linger at elevated level but not deviate from our guidance. We will maintain our prudent risk management to alleviate risks
of the policy cliff effect.
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