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Investor Presentaiton

Green bond framework Second-Party Opinion PSP Investments' Second-Party Opinion | CICERO Back °CICERO SHADING: °C MEDIUM GREEN GOVERNANCE SCORE: EXCELLENT "Sound governance and transparency processes" "PSP has expectations for both portfolio companies and external managers to align their business models with the low-carbon transition 66 Relevant impact indicators for each project category " وو 39 ❝ Clear selection and monitoring process for investments under the framework ❝ Committed to transparent reporting Board seats and control over large-scale private markets investments will support the implementation and enforcement of the Green Bond Framework criteria " PROCESS FOR PROJECT EVALUATION AND SELECTION A Green Bond Working Group comprised of representatives from Treasury, Responsible Investment, Legal Affairs and various investment teams, has been established and will meet regularly. It is responsible for the assessment and selection of Eligible Green Assets, and the management of the Green Bond Register over the lifetime of all issuances. MANAGEMENT OF PROCEEDS The Treasury group will track, through the Register, the allocation of net proceeds from the sale of any Green Bonds to eligible Green Assets. The Green Bond Working Group will review it on an annual basis to ensure that the Eligible Green Assets continue to meet the eligibility criteria. Any assets that are sold will be removed from the Register. IMPACT REPORTING PSP Investments intends to publish its inaugural Green Bond Impact Report within one year from first issuance, and on an annual basis thereafter. This will be made publicly available on PSP's website and will include disclosure on both allocation and impact objectives. PSP
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