Investor Presentaiton
Strong liquidity, stable funding and continued reduction in wholesale funding
• Liquidity well in excess of regulatory requirements
o LCR of 129%, -9% Q/Q and +2% Y/Y
o Pacific Alliance countries ended the quarter with LCRs of 135-185%
o HQLA of $213B, +$3B Q/Q and +$45B Y/Y, is substantially comprised of Level 1 assets
• Stability of funding reflected in NSFR of 115%
⚫ 23.3% TLAC is above 22.5% regulatory minimum required by November 1, 2021
• Reduction in wholesale funding moderated as excess system liquidity substantially absorbed
o Continued growth in deposits mitigating requirement for wholesale funding
o Reduced term funding to mitigate cost while balancing NSFR, TLAC and overall funding stability
• Funding metrics continue to improve
。 Wholesale funding at $197B, down $3B Q/Q and $74B Y/Y
。 Wholesale funding / total assets improved Q/Q from 17.6% to 16.9%
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