G20 Development Working Group Submissions slide image

G20 Development Working Group Submissions

3.2 DWG Engagement with Commonwealth and La Francophonie Members Three annual DWG-Commonwealth-OIF meetings have taken place since 2011: Cape Town in June 2011; Washington DC in April 2012; and Washington DC in April 2013. Each meeting was attended by all six Commonwealth and OIF G20 members (Australia, Canada, India, France, South Africa and the UK), incumbent DWG Chairs and other G20 members. Each successive meeting drew broader developing country participation. The meetings focused on shared policy priorities for each G20 Presidency, the DWG and Commonwealth and OIF developing countries (CF countries). To support discussion, papers were prepared on many areas of the G20 development agenda¹³. Participants identified and recommended practical steps for global action, shared knowledge and development experiences, and provided valuable contributions to enrich the G20 development agenda. Key Messages Issues Discussed Cape Town, June 2011 TRADE The DWG should encourage the WTO to consider development as an integral part of its agenda, for example by: • • . . establishing a task force to examine the feasibility of a more comprehensive duty-free and quota-free framework; examining options to simplify and streamline rules of origin implementing the WTO services modalities for LDCs; and expanding the overall G20 preference regime to the poorest countries. FINANCIAL INCLUSION G20 should: adopt an SME financing framework; develop a set of indicators on financial inclusion; ormulate principles for effective financial inclusion; and develop region specific programs and new initiatives to build capacity, including in insurance and micro-financial services. Washington DC, April 2012 INCLUSIVE GREEN GROWTH LICS highlighted the need to generate new sources of growth and employment, particularly amongst the youth, increase energy efficiency and promote sustainable consumption and production and renewable energy supplies. G20 should help to: Saint Petersburg Accountability Report on G20 Development Commitments 74 • scale up investment in the natural resource base; • adopt new initiatives to promote knowledge sharing in forging effective pathways to green growth and sustainable development; and identify and securing viable financing options and frameworks to support transformative actions in developing countries. Chapter 3 Outreach to Low Income Countries through G20 Development Working Group 13 These papers are available at http://tinyurl.com/lcweahm (2011); http://tinyurl.com/Isakr5h (2012); and http://tinyurl.com/n4jf2fz (2013).
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