Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio slide image

Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio

Main LATAM products Subsidiaries Activities Products CNP Assurances CNP assurances Caixa Vida & Previdência Caixa Seguradora UC Retirement / Previdencia Personal risk/ Vida Borrower PGBL/VGBL: group or individual insurance products, single or periodic premiums, annuities with a unit-linked accumulation phase (currently all are in the accumulation phase) with possible surrenders (without penalties after 3 years from the contract's subscription) CONJUGADO: Combined pension and provident product Consumer credit / Single-premium consumer credit death and disability insurance products Prestamista Personal risk/ Vida Borrower real estate loan / Hipotecario P&C : various risks & Auto Caixa Capitalização Saving (51% par CSH) Caixa Consórcios Product excluding insurance Caixa Saúde Odonto Empresas Previsul Youse (digital model) Health Health Personal risk/ Health P&C Personal risk Group and/or individual, annual death or accidental disability term insurance products, single premium or periodic with optional benefits Mortgage loan insurance products guaranteeing payment of the outstanding capital in the event of death, incapacity and disability (MIP guarantee) combined with a Multi-Risks-House insurance (MRH guarantee) for the property financed on credit, with monthly premiums Miscellaneous risk insurance products: fire, theft and property damage construction; consumer credit bonding; civil liability; motor DPVAT product speciality: compulsory insurance covering bodily injury caused by vehicles, managed at national level by an administrator (Seguradora Lider) Insurance products of capitalisation bonds with a guaranteed rate (popular savings rate + 4.5%) over a defined period (5 years on average) with monthly or single payments In addition, a part of the premium (about 1%) is diverted and gives the right to participate in a lottery allowing, in case of a draw, to recover the diverted amount on the whole series of tickets, including the part on unsold tickets Non-insurance product (under the control of the BACEN, the banking authority) allowing savings to be made with a view to acquiring a property and thus constituting an alternative to bank loans ■ Each member pays a monthly premium to take part in a draw that gives access to the right to either borrow to acquire the property provided for in the contract, or to leave the sum provided for in the consorcio until the end of the contract, in return for a guaranteed increase in value at a high rate ■ The subscriber thus repays parts of his loan before he has even taken it out. All those paying a monthly premium will therefore necessarily be drawn by the end of the contract, with only the date of release of the loan depending on the draw. ■To increase the chances of being drawn early, the member can participate in blind auctions, offering a higher initial premium, which is equivalent to making an early payment. Health care costs (medical and hospital expenses) Dentistry fees The risks covered are: Fire, theft and property damage (Multi-risk home insurance) Car insurance (Vehicule damage and Vehicule civil liability) Group and individual insurance, temporary annual death with single or periodic premiums and with tacit renewal. Capital is revalued to inflation. Guarantees in the event of accident or total or partial permanent disability are optional Investor Presentation March 23 75
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