Investor Presentaiton
law of the host State as one of the sources of applicable law. 129
the first scenario, it is not clear what claims a State could submit
against an investor as the latter is unlikely to have obligations under
the treaty or international law. In the second scenario, allegations of
breaches of host State law might more readily be brought before an
investment tribunal regardless of whether the investor's duty to
comply with domestic law is specifically mentioned in the treaty.
Umbrella clauses. Another situation might arise when an IIA
contains an "observance of undertakings" clause, also called an
"umbrella" clause." An umbrella clause requires a host State to
respect any obligation assumed by it with regard to a specific
investment (for example, in an investment contract). The clause thus
brings contractual and other individual obligations of the host State
under the "umbrella" of the IIA, making them potentially
enforceable through ISDS.
An investment treaty tribunal hearing a claim brought under the
umbrella clause will often effectively be hearing a breach of contract
claim, which suggests that counterclaims with respect to the contract
would appropriately be heard as well. Yet, if the umbrella clause is
understood as imposing obligations only on the State (not on the
investor), one could argue that the tribunal's jurisdiction
encompasses the umbrella clause claim only to the extent it involved
a breach by the State.
To remedy this uncertainty, one option for treaty drafters is to
replace a one-way umbrella clause with a two-way one; that is, one
that requires both the State and the investor to observe their specific
129 For further discussion of applicable law, see section II.M.
130 See the discussion of umbrella clauses in section II.T. A typical
umbrella clause is one found in Article 2.2 of the Bahrain-Turkmenistan
BIT (2011): "Each Contracting Party shall observe any obligation it may
have entered into with regard to investments of investors of the other
Contracting Party."
UNCTAD Series on International Investment Agreements IIView entire presentation