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Investor Presentaiton

Elder Fraud: Frequent investors (36%) and young investors (33%) are the most likely to know a senior who has been a victim of abuse This next question is about investment fraud and other financial abuse targeting seniors. QDo you know any senior (including yourself) that has been a victim of any of the following abuses? Please select all that apply. 69 69 by investor type, age, and gender [asked of all respondents; multiple mention; n=500] Manitoba Overall 24% 58% 15% 3% Investor type No savings 29% Savings, non-investor 20% Non-frequent investor 19% Frequent investor 36% 44% 62% 68% 50% 21% 6% 16% 2% 12% 1% 11% 3% Age 18 to 34 33% 49% 13% 4% 35 to 54 17% 60% 21% 2% 55+ 24% 63% 10% 3% Gender Men 23% Women 25% 57% 59% 17% 2% 13% 4% Know a senior who has been victim to at least one abuse None Don't know Prefer not to say
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