Monthly General Fund Budget Schedule
Monthly General Fund Budget (Budgetary Basis) Schedule of Revenues and
Expenditures - Line Description
General Fund Revenues
Includes all General Fund Revenues from income taxes (net of estimated refunds), sales and use tax, excise taxes, transfers
from the Lotteries, and other revenues. All revenues included here in are net of the amounts pledged for specific purposes, as
described on page of this presentation.
Other Financing Sources/ (Uses) Net
Includes financing transactions (receipts and payments) such as interim credit lines, tax anticipations and revenue notes,
interest payments, General Obligation Debt service payment, and other financing transactions between the Treasury
Department and GDB. Also, it includes the payment of income tax refunds, net of estimated income tax reserve, and the
payments to PRIFA for its portion of the rum excise tax.
General Fund Expenditures
The Commonwealth's budget is adopted in accordance with a statutory (budgetary) basis of accounting, which is not in
accordance with US GAAP. Expenditures are generally recorded when the related expenditure is incurred, recorded in the
Commonwealth's accounting system and processed for payment, and not necessarily when it has been paid (disbursed).
Expenditures include the following: payroll, legislative appropriations, suppliers and services, and others.
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