Scotiabank Pacific Alliance Expansion slide image

Scotiabank Pacific Alliance Expansion

Leading Bank in the Americas¹ Core markets: Canada, US, Mexico, Peru, Chile and Colombia 7th largest bank by assets¹ in the Americas Full-Service, Universal Bank Canada Mexico Peru Chile Colombia Caribbean Uruguay Wholesale Operations USA CET1 Ratio Ranking by Market Share³ Change Scotiabank² 2021 YTD YTD/YTD Revenue Net Income $15,808MM (1%) $4,893MM +32% Return on Equity 14.6% +350 bps Operating Leverage +3.4% n.a. Productivity Ratio 51.8% (190 bps) Total Assets $1.1T (10%) 12.3% +140 bps Canada #3 USMCA USA Top 10 FBO Mexico #5 UK Singapore Australia Pacific Alliance Peru Countries Chile (PAC) #3 #4 Ireland Colombia #6 Hong Kong SAR China Brazil Earnings by Market2,4 India Japan -Other C&CA 3%3% PAC 17% 7% U.S.A Canada 70% 1 Ranking by asset as at May 26, 2021, Bloomberg; 2 Adjusted for acquisition and divestiture-related amounts, impact of additional pessimistic scenario in ACLs, Derivative Valuation Adjustment, and impairment charge on software asset. Revenue growth, Net Income growth, and Operating Leverage excludes divested operations; 3 Ranking based on market share in loans as of March 2021 in Mexico, Peru and Chile, as of February 2021 in Colombia, as of January 2021 in Canada for publicly traded banks; 4 Adjusted net income attributable to equity holders of the Bank for the 6 months ended April 30, 2021 5
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