Satin Compelling Investment Story slide image

Satin Compelling Investment Story

Annexure Financial Performance - - Standalone Particulars (Rs. crore) Q4FY21 Q4FY20 Q3FY21 FY21 FY20 Gross yield (1) 21.18% 22.07% 17.21% 17.57% 20.61% Financial Cost Ratio(2) Net Interest Margin (3) 8.88% 7.95% 9.02% 8.52% 8.49% 12.30% 14.12% 8.19% 9.04% 12.12% Operating Expense ratio (4) 6.37% 6.32% 5.34% 5.22% 6.02% Loan Loss Ratio (5) 2.58% 6.81% 9.25% 3.96% 2.97% ROA (6) 2.18% 0.72% -4.34% -0.18% 2.26% RoE(8) 11.95% 3.49% -22.84% -0.92% 12.00% Leverage (Total Debt (7) / Total Net Worth) 4.09 3.72 4.41 4.09 3.72 Cost to Income Ratio 51.76% 44.76% 65.21% 57.74% 49.66% Asset Quality (on-book) GNPA % ECL as % of AUM Q4FY21 Q4FY20 Q3FY21 FY21 FY20 8.4 3.3 9.6 8.4 3.3 5.1 3.4 5.7 5.1 3.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 200 1. Gross Yield represents the ratio of total Income in the relevant period to the average AUM 2. 3. Financial Cost Ratio represents the ratio of interest Expense in the relevant period to the Average AUM Net Interest Margin represents the difference between the Gross Yield and the Financial Cost Ratio 4. 5. 6. Operating Expenses Ratio represents the ratio of the Operating Expenses (expenses including depreciation but excluding Credit Cost and interest Expense) to the Average AUM Loan Loss Ratio represents the ratio of credit cost (including FLDG on BC) to the Average AUM RoA is annualized and represents ratio of PAT to the Average Total Assets 7. Total Debt includes Securitization and preference shares considered as debt in accordance of IndAS 8. RoE is annualized and represents PAT(Post Preference Dividend) to the average equity (i.e., net worth excluding preference share capital) SATIN 38
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